
Elevated Radon Level
NAPLES Mold Inspection
Marco Island Mold Inspectors
Bonita Springs Mold Inspectors
Mold Cleanup
Radon Mitigation
Radon Test Prices
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-- Radon Testing Naples, Cape Coral, Ft Myers--

 Elevated radon levels are not uncommon in condos and high rise units thruout Collier & Lee Counties

Homebuyers in Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Cape Coral or Ft Myers should have a home inspection but would be wise to hire an independent Florida Department of Health certified Radon Business to perform their radon test.  Radon measurement technicians place and pickup radon tests for Florida certified radon business. Your Radon Report MUST come from a FL DOH certified Radon Measurement Business.


Please contact our office to schedule:
Radon Tests / Mold Assessments (inspections) & Sampling
Formaldehyde & VOC Tests / Allergen Screening

Radon & Mold Professionals Toll free: (800) 881-3837
195 5th Street, Bonita springs, FL 34134 .... (239) 498-4619
188 1st Street, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 .... (239) 948-9717
radonandmoldprofessionals@gmail.com or radonandmoldprofessionals@comcast.net


 Radon Testing in Naples must be performed by individuals certified by the FL DOH to do so.

A Bonita Springs radon tests for Real Estate Transactions is at least 48 hours long, home must be in "closed house conditions" 12 hours prior to and during test.  . Your Estero or Naples radon test with a continuous radon monitor will give you hour by hour reading of the radon levels. Like all of Florida, Cape Coral radon test report must be from a certified Radon Measurement Business. All radon test reports must have the name and certification number of the individual who placed the radon test even in Fort Myers.


Radon & Mold Professionals has more radon monitors to perform your radon test than anyone in the Naples, Marco Island, Estero, Bonita Springs, Florida.

We always perform a second radon test (passive) as a quality control test with every monitor test to ensure you have the Best Radon Test.



Here is a photo of a continuous radon monitor
(Femto-Tech CRM).
Hanging charcoal device is the quality control test (2nd test)
 display for photo only
We bring our own table and place the monitor in the best location.  We do not put our equipment on the homeowner's furniture.

Elevate Radon levels are a serious health concern but are treated as just another home repair. Thousands of homes in South west Florida, including Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Cape Coral and Ft Myers have elevated radon levels but are easily lowered by experienced radon mitigators certified by the FL DOH.

 Radon & Mold Professionals

Florida Department of Health certified Radon testing in Naples, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Estero, Bonita Springs and Marco Island is common today; thousands of radon tests have been performed here during the last ten years.  Make sure your radon technician is certified by the FL DOH and your report comes from a FL DOH certified Radon Measurement Business. The person placing and picking up the test "must" be FL DOH certified and the report "must" come from a Florida Certified Radon Measurement Business (FL DOH certification numbers must be on report).   

"Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking, killing about 21,000 Americans every year.

" FL DOH "750 Floridians a year die of radon exposure"

 Sun Sentinel, South Florida,  11-21-2004



Does Radon break down and disappear from a building?

"Radon does decay (break-down); however, the ability for any given patch of land to produce a radon problem in a building placed on it is effectively constant during your life time.
Radon 222 is a radioactive element in the Uranium 238 decay chain.  The 'parent' element to radon is Radium 236. While radon has a half-life of 3.8 days and thus decays out rather quickly, Radium 236 has a half-life of 1620 years.  Any radon in the ground is continually being replenished by the decay of the radium in the soil.  With a half life of 1620 years, the amount of radium and the rate of radon production during an individual's life, or the design life expectancy of your average building, is effectively constant. Radon is constantly generated and available to enter and accumulate in buildings at high concentrations."

Radon Test  start at   $150.oo

Florida Adminstrative Code: 64E-5.1203 General Provisions  (1)
"Beginning January 1, 1989, no person may test for or mitigate the presence of radon in Florida for a fee or other renumeration unless such person has been certified."
Collier and Lee County requires radon testers to have an occupational license for the county the test is in. A home inspector license is not a radon testing license.
The County occupational license office says:
"You cannot get an occupational license for radon testing unless you are certified by the FL DOH to test."
The person placing and / or picking up a radon test must be FL DOH certified and have an occupational license for radon testing (occupational license for home inspections does not qualify).
EPA Recommends:
"Test when you are buying a home."
Realtors tell us:
"It's usually the seller's responsibility to have the home mitigated (radon levels lowered) if it should have elevated radon levels."
Our measurement specialist said:
"E.P.A. Protocols do not allow radon tests to be performed on the floor, near a window or door, in the kitchen or bathroom , under the bed or inside a wine cabinet with doors".
Examples of where testing should not be performed. (Below Photos)
(Monitors in photos below are Sun Nuclear radon monitors)
Radon & Mold Professionals do not use this type of monitor.






"Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon"

Office of Air and Radiation (OAR),
Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA)
EPA 402-K-05-005, May 2005

General Information for All Devices

A state or local radon official can explain the differences between devices and recommend the ones which are most appropriate for your needs and expected testing conditions.

Make sure to use a radon measurement device from a qualified laboratory.  Certain precautions should be followed to avoid interference during the test period.  See the Radon Testing Checklist for more information on how to get a reliable test result.

Radon Test Device Placement

"EPA recommends that testing device(s) be placed in the lowest level of the home suitable for occupancy. This means testing in the lowest level (such as a basement), which a buyer could use for living space without renovations. The test should be conducted in a room to be used regularly (like a family room, living room, playroom, den or bedroom); do not test in a kitchen, bathroom, laundry room or hallway.  Usually, the buyer decides where to locate the radon test, based on their expected use of the home.  A buyer and seller should explicitly discuss and agree on the test location to avoid any misunderstanding.  Their decision should be clearly communicated to the person performing the test."

 Change in the look of your Radon Report

July 22,2011

Radon Reports will look a little different. Just ignore the =/- after your radon average number.

A 3.9 is a 3.9. They do not get to choose whether to apply the + or to apply the - to make their wallets happy.

 A 4.1 +/- 0.2 requires mitigation during a real estate transaction but a 3.9 +/- 0.2 does not.

This is becoming a National standard, so at first there is a bit of "oh crap", but  in reality the +/- have been there all along, it just wasn't printed. Now we have to print it.  It is a natural "wobble" associated with measuring a radioactive substance, whether it is Radon or Uranium.

UPDATE                               Radon Mitigation

Consumers should KNOW:

  • If you are hiring a FL DOH certified radon mitigation business that is not an HVAC or Mechanical contractor or partnered with one, your system needs an engineer’s signature and or seal on the mitigation system design.
  • Mechanical contractors are NOT permitted to design or install mechanical ventilation systems to reduce radon levels without also being certified for radon mitigation by the Florida Department of Health.
  • Radon Mitigators that are not mechanical contractors, parting with a mechanical contractor will permit them to use the approved materials and techniques for mechanical ventilation available to the mechanical contractor.
  • FL DOH contact for any questions concerning readon in Florida:  (800) 543-8279

It would be wise for Realtors, Homeowners and all consumers hiring a Radon Mitigation Business to:

  • ASK for a certificate of insurance from the Radon Mitigation Business.   (some apparently do not have insurance)
  • Make sure your proposal, system design has the name or signature or seal of the FL DOH certified Radon Mitigation Business AND THE HVAC OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR they are partnered with.  (apparently some Radon mitigation businesses are ignoring the Florida law)


Radon from your Granite Countertop? (click here)

East Coast of Florida:
Associated Radon Services
Bill Levy
(561) 219-4334
In central Florida
Radon Evaluations, Inc.
Sarasota, Hillsboro, Pasco, Marion, Polk, Alachua,
Brevard, Seminole, Orange, & St Pete Counties
1 (888) 621-8622

It is a violation of Chapter 404, Florida Statutes and Chapter 64E-5, Florida Administrative Code to provide radon services without being currently radon certified by the Florida Department of Health. Specialists and technicians must provide radon services only through affiliation with a Florida certified radon business. Businesses and individuals will be fined for non-compliance.  FL DOH 

alpha track radon monitor

Naples / Bonita Springs Radon Business
Ft Myers / Cape Coral (239) 948-9717

Please contact our office to schedule:
Radon Tests / Mold Assessments (inspections) & Sampling
Formaldehyde & VOC Tests / Allergen Screening

Radon & Mold Professionals Toll free: (800) 881-3837
195 th Street, Bonita springs, FL 34134 .... (239) 498-4619
188 1st Street, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 .... (239) 948-9717
radonandmoldprofessionals@gmail.com or radonandmoldprofessionals@comcast.net

Doug Wall, CIE
Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist, (CIE)
Board-awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification
State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor / license #MRSA  2
State of Florida Licensed Home Inspector / license #HI 2202
FL DOH certified radon measurement tech R1751

John Cosgrove, CIE
Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist, (CIE)
Board-awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification
State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor / license #MRS 5
FL DOH certified for radon, R1867
John Cosgrove, CIE, Inc.

Greg Gomez, CIE,
 State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor / license #MRSA763
Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist, (CIE)
Board-awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification

Grg Gomez has proven his knowledge of mold and indoor air quality issues by performing hundreds of mold inspections / assessments throughout Naples, Bonita Spring, Ft Myers and all of Southwest Florida.  

Since 1999, Radon & Mold Professionals has consistently excelled in providing the Best Radon Testing, Mold Inspections, Mold Sampling (Testing), Odor Identification, Allergen Screening, Formaldehyde Testing and Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera survey's for Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Ft Myers, Ft Myers Beach,Cape Coral and Marco Island, Florida including for Home Inspections . Environmental Inspections / testing performed by ACAC Board Certified indoor Environmentalists (CIE) that have performed thousands radon tests and mold assessments in Naples, Bonita Springs and Ft Myers area.  

We use Air Chek, Inc. FL DOH certified Radon Measurement Business RB0214 for our radon measurement services.
Florida Department of Health allows only FL DOH measurement specialists and FL DOH certified mitigation specialists to "express" "evaluations and observations" of radon tests or radon mitigations to "Florida citizens and customers, or potential customers".
We have been the leader in performing residential Real Estate radon tests for years, we think in part, because we strive to follow the FL DOH's many rules concerning radon.
***Accuracy is not guarunteed on this web site.
The radon evaluations, observations and opinions posted here are not those of the Radon & Mold Professionals.

Our clients tell us we have the
Best Service / Best Test / Best Report


In no event shall WallRadon Testing, Inc. be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of any kind including profits, in any action arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information available from this website, email or newsletter. All advertisers or links in this website, email or newsletter are for general information purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of any person viewing these pages to verify by outside means the accuracy of the information prior to taking any action based on the content of this website, email, newsletter and any site connected to it via a hyperlink and you should consult your personal realtor, attorney, accountant or respective professional before acting upon information contained herein.