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--- Mold Inspection --

Mold growth in your home requires moisture.

Mold is found everywhere but Mold Growth should not be inside your Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Cape Coral or Ft Myers Florida home. ACAC board Certified Indoor Environmentalists can perform a visual inspection with mold sampling to determine if your structure has a mold problem and the extent of contamination, then write recomendations needed for correcting it based on accepted national standards


Plumbing leaks like the one shown in the picture above are a common source of moisture which can promote mold growth/contamination in your home.

Experienced mold inspectors will use an infrared camera to identify moisture problems and then verify them with a moisture meter. 

Please contact our office to schedule:
Radon Tests / Mold Assessments (inspections) & Sampling
Formaldehyde & VOC Tests / Allergen Screening

Radon & Mold Professionals Toll free: (800) 881-3837
195 5th Street, Bonita springs, FL 34134 .... (239) 498-4619
188 1st Street, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 .... (239) 948-9717
radonandmoldprofessionals@gmail.com or radonandmoldprofessionals@comcast.net

 Florida law requires Mold Assessors ( Mold Inspectors) to be licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.  Our Certified Indoor Environmentalists are experienced (each over 10 years) and qualified to perform your mold inspection / testing and interpret the lab results. Your mold inspector should be able to interpet the lab results, if not try an experienced and qualified mold assessor.
Home Inspector license does NOT qualify as Mold Assessor license.
Consumers should insist their mold inspection company have state licensed mold assessors . Licensed mold inspectors are required to have $1million liability and E&O insurance for pre and post remediation inspections and testing.

Do you need a mold assessment (inspection)?

 Question: How do you know if your Naples or Bonita Springs home needs a mold inspection? 

Answer: If you’ve ever had a water intrusion, damaged building materials, musty odors, health complaints or if the owner / buyer has an immune problem; a mold inspection can identify an existing or potential mold problem. 
Question: How do I choose a licensed Naples, or Bonita Springs mold inspector? 
Our FL licensed Mold Assessors have been trained and certified by the nation's most respected environmental associations.  

Answer: You should choose your mold inspector based on their knowledge and experience of using the "best available science" and not scare tactics or hype.

mold growing in lab dish

EPA mold resources page provide consumers with valuable information concerning mold and water intrusion problems.


Question: How is a mold inspection performed?
Mold Facts:

Answer: A visual assessment should be made of the subject property to identify potential conditions condusive to mold growth and/or visible mold. Subsequent sample collection should be based from the information aquired during the visual assessment. Occupant testimony about property history and occupant health issues (if any). Data interpretation of lab analysis. The inspector can now take all of the information collectively to confirm or rule out potential sources of moisture and/or mold contamination. Mold presence should never be determined soley on air testing alone. The source of any elevated mold condition needs to be identified.

Mold growth can start as soon as 24 hours after water intrusion has occurred.  Mold can often be seen in the form of a discoloration or a stain. When molds are present in large quantities, called colonies, they become a health concern.



There are no EPA or other federal standards for airborne mold or mold spores, however, so sampling cannot be used to check a building's compliance with federal mold standards because there are none.






Minnesota Department of Health


Testing may be useful as part of an investigation, but it is never a substitute for a thorough visual inspection.

“many people have unrealistic expectations of what mold testing can do and they can be taken advantage of by those who perform testing poorly or for inappropriate reasons. Below are some impractical reasons commonly given for requesting mold testing.”

Poor reason for testing #1 “To find out if there is mold”

Poor reason for testing #2 “To identify what type of mold is present”

Poor reason for testing #3 “To learn if the mold is the toxic kind”

Poor reason for testing #5 “To determine if the environment is safe”

Poor reason for testing #6 “To decide how to correct a mold problem”

MDH does not recommend mold testing in many cases, especially as the first response to an indoor air quality concern.


Protect yourself:

Florida Law requires Mold Assessors (inspectors /testers) to be licensed by the DBPR. Protect yourself and your client!! Make sure to ask for credentials. Your mold assessor MUST have Errors & Ommisions insurance . We follow the mold assessment protocols of the Indoor Environmental Standards Organization. Florida requires applicants to pass the ACAC (CIE or CIEC or CMC) exam to qualify for a mold assessor license, most licensed mold assessors did not / they were "grandfathered".

Visual Assessments For Mold in Naples, Bonita Springs and all of Florida:

A visual assessment of the subject property is a very important part of the mold assessment. During a visual assessment, conditions conducive to mold presence are noted by location including photograghs and as part of our non-intrusive moisture inspection methods we use a Protimeter (moisture meter) & Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology. We\'ve seen many instances where air sampling showed that no elevated mold conditions existed, however there were locations of elevated moisture behind substrates. When there is elevated moisture, typically there is elevated mold; the mold may not be airborne yet and trapped behind the substrate. But given enough time and water the mold literally eats the substrate and eventually will become airborne. Again, the visual assessment is a very important part of the mold assessment.



A particle counter is an instrument that detects and counts particles.

In a clean home or room the number of particles in the air should be lower than in a room with mold growth producing mold spores into the air. 

The room with mold, particles should be higher.  A particle counter is just another tool for the mold inspector.  As with air sampling (tests) or infrared thermal imaging cameras many things can influence the results.  Hopefully the more sophisticated instruments an inspector use in the inspection, the more accurate your results.

Mold inspectors / environmentalist can determine indoor air quality more quickly.



“The main use for handheld particle counters is checking contamination levels and locating sources of particle emissions. The small size and weight of these particle counters make them ideal for point-of-use measurement of particle contamination at critical locations. Hand held particle counters have proven themselves in many settings.”

Mold Assessment / Inspection

We generally charge by the number of HVAC units rather than by the square foot of the property.

Mold Assessment – Visual Inspection and Sampling Fees:
Qualifications: State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessors # MRS2 & MRS5 -
Council Certified Indoor Environmentalists (CIE) –
board awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) 
Professional Experience: Specializing in mold and moisture assessments, indoor air quality investigations, sampling design and interpretation, infrared thermal imaging, odor identification, Chinese drywall inspection and radon testing, We have performed over 8,000 IAQ related investigations in Florida since 2004.  Each investigation culminates with a full report including written and photographic documentation of findings and remedial recommendations.  These investigations require the utilization of our training and background specific to water intrusion events, moisture control, mold prevention, building science and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) operation and design. 
Professional Liability / $2,000,000 General Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance (Covers preliminary mold assessments) 
Microbial Consulting Coverage: $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 limit / claims made  (Covers post remediation inspections) 
Non-Intrusive Visual Inspection of Accessible Spaces: Infrared thermal imaging is utilized to identify potential moisture sources throughout the accessible spaces.  In conjunction with thermal imaging, we also incorporate the use of a protimeter (moisture meter) for the purpose of identifying, confirming and documenting any elevated moisture conditions.  Written and photographic documentation of all identified suspect conditions regarding mold growth and/or conditions conducive to mold growth throughout the accessible spaces. 
Indoor Air Quality Sampling: We follow the Indoor Environmental Standards Organization (IESO) sampling protocols. Air sampling is designed to quantify the respective airborne presence of fungal spores in the interior living spaces in relationship to what is naturally occurring outdoors, commonly referred to as normal fungal ecology. Air samples are collected by utilizing a high volume sampling pump calibrated to a flow rate of 15 liters per minute. We use an American Industrial Hygiene Association EMLAP accredited, third party laboratory for direct microscopy analysis of collected samples.  
Surface Sampling: Surface sampling is only performed when suspected microbial growth is observed for positive identification of visible mold growth and its correlation to the air sampling analysis. Since some molds do not aerosolize easily without being disturbed, surface sampling is in some cases, is essential in identifying an elevated mold presence. 
Remediation: We do not perform any mold remediation activity as it is a serious conflict of interest.  Remedial recommendations (if applicable) are provided based on the culmination of information gathered from the visual inspection and sampling analysis in accordance with the IICRC S520 Mold Remediation Standard. 
Reporting: In most cases, reports are issued via email; 2-3 business days after the inspections are complete. 
Pricing: contact our office at (239) 498-4619  or click on mold prices in the navagation bar on left.
Additional Information: We are required to have a signed agreement before we can issue the inspection report.  Requests for a “certificate of insurance” should be made at least 24hours before the inspection.
Respectfully, Doug Wall, CIE
State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor #MRS2
Radon & Mold Professionals
Office: 239-498-4619
Fax: 239-949-5948

EPA  (Air Sampling)


Bioaerosol sampling (air sampling for mold or other biological contaminants) usually is not necessary to determine remediation effectiveness.
In fact, bioaerosol sampling may be less effective at determining the success of remediation than visual and sensory surveys of the area. 
 Although sampling may be of some help in judging remediation effectiveness, remember that a negative sampling report must not be used in place of a visual survey.
Factors such as barometric pressure, inside and outside temperatures, activity levels, and humidity may dramatically reduce or increase the spore levels within a building. Air sampling for mold provides information on what was in the air only for the moment when the sampling occurred. It is important, therefore, that sampling not replace visual inspection.



Sampling Basics:

Indoor Air Sampling:

Indoor air samples should be collected near the main return with the fan in the "on" postion. An additional air sample should be taken for each HVAC system. If there is more than one level to the property, at least one air sample should be taken per level. If a room has any "Red Flags" such as visible mold, signs of water intrusion or musty smell, an additional air test or swab set may be recommended.

Outdoor Air Sampling:

Outside samples should NOT be collected under any overhang of the property (not on lanai, under carport or porch). Also, outside samples should not be taken when it's raining.

Swab/Tape Surface Sampling:

Surface samples should be taken if there is visible suspect mold present.   


Mold Inspection Fees:

Commercial building clients please call for pricing.

 We base our prices for residential units on the number of HVAC units rather than square foot.


For more information about radon & mold visit: www.certifiedradonmold.com

Who should do the cleanup?

Who should do the cleanup depends on a number of factors.  One consideration is the size of the mold problem.  If the moldy area is less than about 10 square feet (less than roughly a 3 ft. by 3 ft. patch), in most cases, you can handle the job yourself, following the guidelines below.  However:

  • If there has been a lot of water damage, and/or mold growth covers more than 10 square feet, consult the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guide: Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings.  Although focused on schools and commercial buildings, this document is applicable to other building types.  It is available free by calling the EPA Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse at (800) 438-4318, or here at epa.gov/mold/mold_remediation.html.
  • If you choose to hire a contractor (or other professional service provider) to do the cleanup, make sure the contractor has experience cleaning up mold.  Check references and ask the contractor to follow the recommendations in EPA's Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, the guidelines of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygenists (ACGIH), or other guidelines from professional or government organizations.
  • If you suspect that the heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) system may be contaminated with mold (it is part of an identified moisture problem, for instance, or there is mold near the intake to the system), consult EPA's guide Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned? before taking further action. Do not run the HVAC system if you know or suspect that it is contaminated with mold - it could spread mold throughout the building.  Visit epa.gov/iaq/pubs/airduct.html, or call (800) 438-4318 for a free copy.
  • If the water and/or mold damage was caused by sewage or other contaminated water, then call in a professional who has experience cleaning and fixing buildings damaged by contaminated water.
  • If you have health concerns, consult a health professional before starting cleanup.


Biological Pollutants in Your Home - This document explains indoor biological pollution, health effects of biological pollutants, and how to control their growth and buildup. One third to one half of all structures have damp conditions that may encourage development of pollutants such as molds and bacteria, which can cause allergic reactions -- including asthma -- and spread infectious diseases.  Describes corrective measures for achieving moisture control and cleanliness.  This brochure was prepared by the American Lung Association and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The publication was updated by CPSC in 1997 

Naples / Bonita Springs (239) 498-4619
Ft Myers / Cape Coral (239) 948-9717

Drying walls / courtesy H2O 911 Restoration

fan used for drying


The photo below is an air scrubber.  This unit is usually used in conjunction with mold remediation.  It is common to run an air scrubber after mold cleanup (remediation) and before a post cleanup air test.   It can remove "dead" & "live" mold spores from the air.  If you clean up your own mold problem it behooves you to run an air scrubber.  Mike Chilton of WATERDEX (mold cleanup company) will run one of his scrubbers for you at a reasonable rate (about $195 last we checked).   Many Realtors are having the scrubber run in a home prior to listing them.  With the idea that any mold showing up during the home inspection mold test will be from new mold growth. 

air scrubber



Hiring a Professional to Identify & Solve IAQ Concerns

Tampa, FL 11/09/2007 07:04 PM GMT (TransWorldNews)

Related Links
Indoor Mold & Health Florida Department of Health
Center For Disease Control & Prevention

Information on this web site is not guaranteed to be accurate, nor should this be considered a recommendation. For informational purposes only!

State of Florida Mold Assessor License #MRS 2

Doug Wall, CIE
Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist, (CIE)
Board-awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification
State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor / license #MRSA  2
FL DOH certified radon measurement tech R1751

State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor # MRS5
John Cosgrove, CIE
Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist, (CIE)
Board-awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification
State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor / license #MRS 5
FL DOH certified for radon, R1867
John Cosgrove, CIE, Inc.
State of Florida Mold Assessor License #MRSA 763

Greg Gomez, CIE,
 State of Florida Licensed Mold Assessor / license #MRSA763
Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist, (CIE)
Board-awarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification

Grg Gomez has proven his knowledge of mold and indoor air quality issues by performing hundreds of mold inspections / assessments throughout Naples, Bonita Spring, Ft Myers and all of Southwest Florida.  

Our clients tell us we have the
Best Service / Best Test / Best Report


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